Laser Marker
Post on 24-03-2015 At 06:00'- 898 Views
Price: 1 VND / 1 product


Laser Marker

Announcing the arrival of a new laser marker to Nireco’s marking systems!

Nireco's laser marking system can directly mark the sides or ends of thick plates in your production line. The Nireco laser marker is ideal for marking your products and materials with quality and inventory control information, and is capable of printing barcodes too. The Nireco laser marker system will also help reduce your operating costs as it requires less consumable product than conventional methods. Drawing upon vast experience and expertise in the steel industry, Nireco has designed this laser marker to print legibly, cleanly and rapidly on both hot and cold surfaces. The Nireco laser marker is exceedingly durable in most work conditions and you will be able to use it with peace of mind for many years to come.