Azcue BTR Series:
Post on 26-03-2014 At 05:28'- 918 Views
Price: 1 VND / 1 product

Azcue BTR Series:

Vertical Grinding Pump to DIN24255
 - 8000/9000 kg/H grinding
 - 30mm max solid handling

Flow: 80M³H
Head: 10M
DN: 125mm
Temp: <80°C

The Azcue BTR series pump is closely related to the Azcue VRX Series pump however the BTR model incorporates a grinding feature which can grind between 8000 and 9000 KG/H, with solids up to 30mm long. This pump is typically used for fish waste or fish slurry.

Construction Types:

Vertical semi submersed:

The suction port is submersed in the fluid, and the pump is variable in height. The electric motor is mounted on top outside the fluid. There is an Oil filled section for mechanical seal cooling and bottom bearing lubrication, enabling the pump to dry run reducing unnecessary pump starting and stopping.

